


Yearly targets, implementation plans

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  • Yearly targets, implementation plans

Development of research base
Research promotion section
Branding section
Development of research base
Introduction of research equipment
  • Preparing for the introduction of equipment to create semiconducting crystal
Research promotion section
R&D toward practical application of optical devices with new functions and for new fields
  • Realizing blue surface-emitting lasers with the highest power output in the world
  • Developing applications for ultraviolet sensors in the fields of medicine and biotechnology
Branding section
Increasing understanding of Meijo University’s research into optical devices
  • Establishing the website
  • Establishing an exhibit on the Nobel Prize laureates (showroom)
  • Organizing symposiums
  • Performing mock experiments at elementary, junior high, and high schools

FY 2017

Development of research base
Establish base
  • Putting in place research equipment
  • Creating a personnel structure capable of coming out with innovative devices
Research promotion section
Establishment of basic technologies for devices with new functions and for new fields
  • Realizing semiconductor lasers with an unprecedented 200 nm wavelength
  • Developing as-yet unrealized micro-sized LED and laser devices
  • Expanding application fields for ultraviolet sensors
  • University-wide research on applications
Branding section
Establishment of new methods to share information
  • Improving the website and showroom
  • Holding symposiums
  • Performing mock experiments at schools across the nation
  • Sharing information via student ideas

FY 2018

Development of research base
Improvement of organizational structure
  • Improving organization composed of postdoctoral researchers from companies and students and researchers of this university
Research promotion section
Development of technologies to create devices with new functions and for new fields
  • Advancing research to expand operating temperature ranges
  • Developing devices with new functions
  • Promoting international joint research
Branding section
Establishment of new methods to share information
  • Improving the website and showroom
  • Holding symposiums
  • Performing mock experiments at schools across the nation
  • Sharing information via student ideas

FY 2019

Development of research base
Development of the university as a base for international collaboration
  • Accepting more researchers from North American, European, and Asian countries
Research promotion section
Development of technologies to create devices with new functions and for new fields
  • Advancing research to expand operating temperature ranges
  • Developing devices with new functions
  • Promoting international joint research
Branding section
Review and development of the systems to share information

FY 2020

Development of research base
Development of the university as a base for international collaboration
  • Accepting more researchers from North American, European, and Asian countries
Research promotion section
Development of technologies to create devices with new functions and for new fields
  • Advancing research to expand operating temperature ranges
  • Developing devices with new functions
  • Promoting international joint research
Branding section
Establishment of a brand image
  • Carrying out symposiums in order to increase brand awareness and announce research achievements
  • Improving the website and the showroom