/娱乐老虎机_mg老虎机-【唯一授权牌照】 Message for Professor Yoshino's Winning the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry from Dr. Akihiro Ohara, President of Meijo University
Professor Akira Yoshino, congratulations on winning the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. I am sincerely pleased that Professor Yoshino's outstanding research achievements have led him to win the prominent award. It is certainly a great honor for Meijo University as it follows the previous win of the 2014 Nobel Award in Physics by Dr. Isamu Akasaki, University Professor and Distinguished Professor of Meijo University, and Dr. Hiroshi Amano, Distinguished Professor of Meijo University (former Professor of the Faculty of Science and Technology). Our students, faculty, staff, and approximately 200,000 graduates will surely be proud of his achievement.
Professor Yoshino has engaged in the development of lithium-ion batteries with the motto of "curiosity and insight." Having challenged the miniaturization and the weight reduction of the secondary battery, in 1985, he was able to develop the prototype of the present lithium ion battery. He solved problems of the time for miniaturizing and saving weight of 8 mm video cameras. The lithium-ion batteries are now widely used as power sources in mobile phones, smart phones, personal computers, automobiles, and aircrafts and are bringing about a change in society. In addition, they are expected to become a part of infrastructure for resource and energy conservations not only as a power source but also as a power storage system in the future.
I wish Professor Yoshino good health and more success in the future, and all of the faculty and staff from Meijo University offer professor Yoshino our heartiest congratulations on this very special occasion of winning the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
October 9th, 2019
Dr. Akihiro Ohara
President of Meijo University