Meijo UniversityGraduate School of Human Studies

Fostering Human Resources with Higher Levels of Practicality and Creative Knowledge

The Graduate School of Human Studies was established with the aim of training individuals to provide them with research capabilities to explore and develop various themes regarding humanity. Graduates of this course will have developed comprehensive and flexible judgment; communicative abilities that enable them to engage in a complex and multifaceted society; and a high degree of concern for ethics and the good of the broader community. This course addresses various issues that have emerged since the 1990s as a consequence of rapid globalization. We aim to develop human resources who can negotiate in a practical and patient manner, play a mediatory role during disagreements, and generate original and creative ideas. Solutions are sought to the myriad issues affecting people around the world, including the widening economic gap between rich and poor; the escalation of racial and religious conflicts; and the continuing destruction of the natural environment.


Master's Course

Course of Human Studies

Departmental Information